Targeted Tutoring Brunswick-Anxiety

Reducing Mathematics Anxiety

Mathematics can be intimidating for many students. Indeed, the term mathematics anxiety is a recognition of the negative emotions that students may associate with mathematics. However, there are many ways that you can support your children to maintain a positive attitude towards mathematics. In this short post I will be sharing 3 pointers to help reduce your children’s maths anxiety.

Firstly, if you have a negative view of mathematics try not to share it with your children. You may believe that mathematics is boring, hard or that you are not very good at it. That is ok. But children are impressionable. If you share those views with your kids it may prompt them to begin to feel negative emotions towards mathematics too. Simply keeping any such thoughts to yourself can go a long way to supporting your children to develop a positive attitude towards mathematics.

Secondly, where possible make mathematics fun! Connecting mathematics to real life scenarios and authentic problems can be engaging for kids. There are many fun mathematics games out there that your kids may enjoy. cooking and lego can be great tools for respectively teaching ratios and portions. Informal, fun mathematics experiences in the home are truly priceless.

Thirdly, encourage them to do their best and learn from their mistakes. It is a simple thing. But if your children know that you care about their mathematic growth that can push them to want to grow and develop in mathematics, which can make all the difference in the world.