Targeted Tutoring Brunswick-- Multiple Exposures

Multiple Exposures, Spelling and Remote Learning

Multiple exposures is another high impact teaching strategy (Department of Education and Training, 2019) . Multiple exposures involves presenting key ideas to youth many times to consolidate their understanding. In this article I will use spelling to unpack three simple ways that you can incorporate ‘multiple exposures’ into activities to supplement remote learning.


Firstly, lets talk about games. Games. Games like scrabble and Hangman are ways that students can have multiple exposures to correct spellings of words. For example, lets say that your child is consistently spelling the word ‘knight’ incorrectly. Through several games of Hangman over many weeks you can expose your child to the correct spelling several times. Through these games you could also draw their attention to words like bright, sight, fight, plight, etc that have the same endings. Learning about these patterns can increase their word knowledge which improve their spelling. Games can provide a fun context for kids to be exposed to ideas that can extend their learning.

Spelling Drills

Secondly, lets talk about spelling drills. Practicing spelling is another way that youth can have multiple exposures to key words. Just make sure that they do not become too stressful or intense for your kids. It can help to go about these practice drills in a relaxed manner where the focus is to have fun beating their personal best. Use practice drills as an opportunity to breakdown words into segments with your children that they can easily remember. Moreover, it can also help to link spelling words with a pattern or with information that they already know.

Personal Dictionaries

Thirdly, lets talk about personal dictionaries. It is one thing for students to look up the correct spelling of a word in a dictionary. It is another thing entirely for kids to make their own personal dictionaries. If you go over your kids writing projects with them you will see words that they spell incorrectly. Indeed, it is not uncommon for kids to spell the same words incorrectly several times. Once you have identified this get them to look up the correct spelling in a dictionary and write it in a little notebook. Keep the notebook safe and your children have a private dictionary which they can use to check the correct spelling of words. This strategy works most effectively if kids are updating their private dictionaries regularly and are encouraged to use it to help them to check for spelling mistakes before they hand in their writing tasks to be corrected.

Reference List

Department of Education and Training. (2019). High impact
teaching strategies: Excellence in teaching and learning.


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