Targeted Tutoring Brunswick-Mathematics Games

3 More Physical Mathematical Activities

During lockdown I know that a lot of families are under a lot of stress. I know that people are trying to balance their jobs and support their kids to learn. Where possible, it is good to keep kids moving to burn off energy and to support them to learn. Therefore I wanted to share three more mathematics games that you could potentially use to help your children to learn and to burn off stress as a family.

Firstly, you can go on a counting work. Young kids need a lot of practice counting. If you are close to a nearby park or creek you could walk them there or you could just walk around the block. While you are walking practice counting things. This could be cars, plants, tiles, bricks. Maybe, you could see how many tallies of counted objects you can keep with your family. Remote learning is hard, but even simple activities like a walk can have real educational value.

Secondly, you could organise an indoor flashcard race. Print off different equations from Microsoft Word as flashcards. If you have more then one child you could play a game where the floor is lava and they need to answer the equations to jump from one flashcard to the next as they race to get to the other side of the room. Remind them to think carefully, if they answer a question incorrectly they will need to take a step backwards!

Thirdly, you can develop number dart boards. You make dart board rings and put number in them of your choice. Your kids then throw sticky darts at them. When they hit the target they then have to add a number to it of your choice and earn that many points.

I hope that you are holding up ok with lockdown. Moreover, I hope that these games bring a bit of movement and fun into your children’s remote learning mathematic programs.


30 Active Maths Games and Activities for Kids Who Love To Move. (1/3/21).